The French Rainbow Ratatouille Jar Recipe

AlexVideos57 Comments

It’s the end of summer, the best season for eating fresh fruits and vegetables: wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could eat gorgeously ripe tomatoes, peppers, courgettes and eggplants all year long? Yes, you can find them in your supermarkets 365/365 but they’re not seasonal ergo not properly good for you nor the environment (or your pockets for that matter). So … Read More

Preserving : 11 Tips you MUST know

AlexKitchenware Geek, Videos1 Comment

Who’s scared of preserving? You think that lots of thing might go wrong and you’ll end up getting a nasty food poisoning. If you’re intrigued by the magical art of preserving flavours for an entire year then follow my 11, easy, tips. Trust me: everything is gonna be fine. #1 Perfect preserving materials : always start with intact, unspoiled surfaces. It’s ok … Read More

Homemade Persian Jam: carrots and spicy cardamom Recipe

AlexVideos7 Comments

After learning all the tips and tricks (and rules) to preserve food properly, I felt confident about experimenting with jam, being something I’ve been wanting to make for a long time. Instead of relying on traditional flavours I decided to think out of the box big time and try a Persian inspired jam with budget-friendly ingredients: carrots, citrus, cardamom and … Read More