French Beef Stew with a Huge Asian Twist, and the Quickest-ever Sticky Rice to dip in ! This is my entry for Jamie Oliver and Uncle Ben’s Search for a Food Tube Star ! Down below is the full recipe with proportions and mega useful tips and alternatives.
Hope you will like it !
What to have ?? (Ingredients and Alternatives)
– 400g of your favorite tender steak (using sirloin in the video)
– 1/2 bottle red wine. Take a wine with body. If you can spot some, and if it doesn’t cost you eye, grab some pinot noir wine.
– 1 TBSP Tomato puree
– 1 TBSP Coriander seeds ( or fennels seeds, or cumin seeds, or cardamome seeds )
– 1 onion. I like red onion but white and yellow work, no problems at all.
– 1 small handful bacon bits
– 1 handful small mushrooms
– 1 carrot (not too big)
– Flour
– 1 cup Sticky Rice (also known as “glutinous rice”, sometimes “sweet rice”)
– 1 Lemongrass
– 2 limes (we need one half and then 3 TBSP)
– Ginger
– Chili (your choice of heat !)
– Garlic clove
– Soy sauce
– Honey
– Beef stock cube
– Fresh herbs, favorite : Thai Basil (wonderful flavor), Chive but also Coriander, Mint
– Cucumber, Salad leaves, Soy bean sprouts… Just grab the veggies you have in your fridge : zucchini good, tomatoes great, celery awesome…
What to do ?? Instructions
1/4 Starting the Marinade
In a bowl goes 1TBSP tomato puree, 1/2 bottle wine, 1/2 lime and zest, 1TBSP oil, 1 thumb ginger grated, 1 chili (be careful lol), 1 garlic clove, 1 bashed lemongrass stroke knotted, 1 TBSP coriander seeds bashed, ground pepper.
Don’t bother with removing bits and shells cause we are gonna filter everything afterwards.
Then add 400g rod shaped pieces of meat and let it rest while making the rice ( 15 minutes ).
2/4 Sticky Rice
Everything was done with a microwave that goes at 800W max. If yours goes higher, please set it to 800, so that my measurements stay precise.
1 cup of sticky rice breed goes in a microwave safe dish. Rinse this rice several times until the water is not foggy anymore. Then Add water 1 finger above the rice level. Add a good knob of butter. I am using Salted butter for extra pleasure. All this goes covered in the microwave at 800W for 7 minutes.
Out of the microthin’, Gently stir the rice with a fork. Get the rice from bottom to top. Put it back in the microwave for 4 minutes. Stir again. Put it back 3 minutes. You’re done ! Congratulations, you ‘ve just made sticky rice in under 15 minutes. I am delighted you did !
3/4 Starting the stew
Strain the meat from the marinade in kitchen paper. Season it well with salt and pepper and boom in a hooooot pan for 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat, and set the meat aside, covered.
Roughly chop 1 onion, and 1 carrot. Put a big pan on medium heat. Place a handful of bacon bits right in. Nicely scrape the bottom of the pan to gain all the previous meaty flavors. 2 minutes and you can add the onion and the carrot. 2 minutes more and the mushrooms go in.
Filter the Marinade over the pan. Keep the lemongrass knot in the pan afterwards. Add 1TBSP flour, Good pinch of salt, 1 glass beef stock and heat goes on medium high. Don’t forget to stir as often as possible. The liquid is going to reduce like 1/2 of its size. Cooking time : 10 minutes.
4/4 Assembling the salad
A few peelings of cucumber, some chopped leaves of salad, a few soy beans sprouts and the is a good start. The 1-2-3-4 asian sauce base : 1 tbsp honey, 2 soy sauce, 3 lime, 4 oil.
For more accents add a bit of garlic and a bit of ginger. Just sprinkle it with fresh herbs and you are good to go.
Final touch :
Cut he meat into small pieces and add them to the boiling stew off the heat. They will cook a bit more.
Sprinkle the stew with a handful of fresh herbs and chopped chili. There you have it, the 30 minutes Paris-Bangkok Stew ! Dip in the sticky rice and enjoy friends !