Lastminute Thanksgiving Gravy Recipe

AlexVideosLeave a Comment

1I don’t know who had the brilliant idea of placing Thanksgiving in the middle of the week: who has the time to go shopping for loads of fresh ingredients mid-week? Luckily I don’t have this problem (in France we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving) but you might so… good luck with the Big Preparation, you have less than 24 hours to do everything! Freaking out already? Don’t worry, I’m here to help you out. No, I’m not gonna give you the recipe for stuffed turkey, but I’ll show you how to prepare something so magical that will improve whatever you have cooked, no matter how you cooked it. It’s my no fuss, fail proof, doable-in-under-10-minutes-with-what-I-have-in-the-pantry recipe for my pimped gravy. Despite not celebrating it I’d love to thank all of you guys! MERCI! Happy Thanksgiving!

1Servings: 3 cups of gravy


  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • 3 cups of boiling water (or 3 cups of homemade stock)
  • 3 stock cubes
  • 1 handful of dried mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato purée (or ketchup)
  • Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce

You will need

  • 1 saucepan
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 cup
  • 1 whisk and 1 spoon

3Prepare the stock: to three cups of boiling water add three stock cubes and stir until disolved. Add one handful of dried mushrooms, one tablespoon of tomato purée (or ketchup), Worcestershire sauce and/or soy sauce to your likings.

4In a saucepan melt the butter and add the flour. Let it cook for a few minutes stirring continuously. This preparation is called roux (you might recall it from my Cheat’s on the Béchamel Sauce). Cook your roux until it turns lightly golden brown.

5Add three cups of stock (adjust the quantity until you obtain your desired consistency: less stock for a thicker gravy, more stock for a runnier gravy) and mix continuously until the sauce thickens. Pour it hot over your meat, vegetables and mashed potatoes.


Best comments from You Tube on Lastminute Thanksgiving Gravy ! Latecomers Favorite Recipe

Jamie Oliver: “Look at the colour! So glossy and silky. If it tastes as good as it looks – that gravy is a winner! “

Hugo Mendes: “Is it cheating if I actually use this recipe for my traditional xmas turkey? I know I know… this is for desperate times but it looked so delicious I can’t wait to try it! (Even if Im thinking about it a month earlier right? lol) Oh. No such thing as thanksgiving here in Brazil either.”

Jill Maninger: “Merci beaucoup! My husband and sister-in-law usually make the gravy from all the turkey fat in the pan. Your recipe looks healthier. I invite you to join us next year in San Diego for Thanksgiving at Chez +vagabrothers! Your biggest fan, VagaMom”


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